
The most immediate ecioomnc impacts of global warming that come to mind are the impacts stemming from the attempts to stop global warming rather than the warming itself. Companies involved in wind power, compact fluorescent bulbs, automakers shifting their business to electric cars, and other such things will and already are seeing an effect. One aspect which I fear is under appreciated is the devastating impact to our supply demand relationship with regard to electricity, that could be affected by plugging millions of cars onto the grid without increasing the supply dramatically.
The most immedia
te ecioomnc impa
cts of global wa
rming that come
to mind are the
impacts stemming
from the attempt
s to stop global
warming rather t
han the warming
itself. Compani
es involved in w
ind power, compa
ct fluorescent b
ulbs, automakers
shifting their b
usiness to elect
ric cars, and ot
her such things
will and already
are seeing an ef
fect. One aspec
t which I fear i
s under apprecia
ted is the devas
tating impact to
our supply deman
d relationship w
ith regard to el
ectricity, that
could be affecte
d by plugging mi
llions of cars o
nto the grid wit
hout increasing
the supply drama